Water front property (85x125ft) on the south east shore of Lake Sammamish in Washington state.
3,250 sqft of newly remodeled living space in 2 complete family units - up stairs and down stairs.
A 700 sqft deck looks out over Lake Sammamish to the west, north and south.
The street-side entry to the house is private with very little traffic.
To the south is Issaquah and Lake Sammamish State Park.
To the north is Redmond and Marymoor State Park.
The 2nd floor deck looks out west on Lake Sammamish.
A 2-slip boat dock accomadates small to medium size sail boats and ski boats.
The 2nd floor kitchen is modern with a small dining area to the side.
The 2nd floor bathroom is full and spacious.
Residential Properties Property Management History Liekhus Portfolio